first off i would like to say that i already wrote this post and it mysteriously got erased. this kind of thing happens all the time to me when i blog. i am technologically handicapped if you will so its not surprising that i have terrible luck when it comes to blogging but still. why i'm even attempting to catch up at this point is beyond me! this is going to be long and painful. i hope you're as excited as i am. lets start with september.
september was the month of weddings. our good friends emily and shannon got married. not to each other of course. brysons older sister also got married. so there was lots of setting up receptions, dancing, eating, post wedding jam sessions, and mingling with family and friends. september was also the month my little bro left on his mission. jordan and ryan flew in from california to see him off. it was sad but we're proud of him! i think my parents will be in a constant state of morning until he returns.


november consisted of lots of dating my husband, going to byu football games, laying on the couch feeling like i was going to vomit, and all things thanksgiving. my papaw came to spend thanksgiving with my family and jordan and ryan came back to town! we spent most of thanksgiving day at the gunters and then made it back in time that night to do pie with my family at my grandmas. that night we laid out our black friday shopping plans and hit up a few stores. mostly i was just afraid and traumatized by all the people and all the waiting in lines. my tis however scored a new camera so it was overall successful. i on the other hand, after waiting in line for probably an hour walked away with modern family season 2 which happened to be scratched and a shirt that ended up being too small. oh well.


we rang in the new year in park city at the hotel park city with my family and the gambles (non-related family). hotel park city is beeeeeeeeeeautiful and will live there someday. yes in the hotel. we went to dinner and brunch, did a little hot tubbin, played a lot of donkey kong, strolled around main street and had a relaxing weekend that went by way to fast.

as for the
rest of january we have just been dinking around. its a word. well
bryson has been busy with work and school. ive been pretty much just
laying on the couch boring my child to death. this pregnancy + a toddler
thing is rather exhausting. i won't go into it. as boring as january
has been we did find out that baby #2 is a GIRL! woo! we're so excited
to have one of each. and to be done making babies because once you have
one of each you can stop right? right. the point of this long and
painful update is not to just bore you to death but to be caught up and
stay up to date with blogging. because it will all be worth it someday
right? sure.