Friday, December 4, 2009


well i think everyone already knows because we're not very good at secrets but i thought now would be a good time to announce to the world that im pregnant! yay for baby! it took us about a year to get this little nugget here so we're beyond thrilled. my due date is June 12th, which makes me 13 weeks. i am starting to feeling a tiny bit less pukey but nothing to get too excited about it. also i have zero energy but i here that comes back so i'm looking forward to that.

i am hoping its a boy and byrson is hoping its a girl because we're weird like that, although i just have a gut feeling its a girl. we call it a she all the time so i hope it is or we're going to give the poor little guy a complex before he's even born. its a little alarming how little i know about babies so its a good thing i have the next six months to do some research. i'm also hoping my kid doesn't cry or puke.

the picture of the baby at the top of the post is what my baby probably looks like right now. in all reality it probably looks like a little alien but that baby is so cute! i'm very worried my baby is going to come out with a unibrow (sorry bryson) but thats what plucking and waxing is for right?!

i feel like i should also mention that i will not be posting any "baby bump pictures" its just not going to happen. i enjoy when you all do it but when you looked pregnant before you actually get knocked up its just not cute.

thats all for now. i have to pee


Lindsey H said...

you make me laugh. alot. good luck with the no unibrow, the no crying, and no puking thing. bwahaha i'm sure "she'll" be a cutie and a perfect angel, for real.

Alyssa Gunter said...

You know that if it's not a unibrow then you have to settle for conjoined twins, right? It is one or the other girl! Take your pic! I am sure SHE will be cute no matter what! I just love her already.

Liz & Zac said...

Yay! I'm so happy for you! I wish you a wonderful rest of your pregnancy! Oh, and BTW, I thought for sure Gracie would come out with a uni-brow, but she didnt. Zac has the same problem :) June is going to be a fabulous time to have a baby. You won't have to worry about "her" with all the illnesses for at least the first 3 months. Oh, I am just so happy for you because I can relate with the whole taking a long time to get prego business. Good Luck!

JethRobyn said...

YEA!! Congrats!

Kellee and Brian said...

OH YOU are going to be such a good little mom!

kelsey and murray said...

ahhh! congrats! i had no idea. you should have said something when we saw you the other day. how exciting!!! i can't wait to hear what gender this little one is!

Scott and Stef said...

Congrats!!! That is really exciting. I am happy for you. You will have a cute baby and will be a great mommy! I want to see your belly when I come.

Britney said...

I hope for your sake and the baby's that she doesn't cry/puke either! I am so excited for Baby Gunter to get here! I am pretty sure I knew about this pregnancy about 10 minutes after you did because it seems that none of the Gunter clan are very good at keeping secrets! Congrats you guys!

Rob and Courtney said...

Congratulations!!!!! That is so exciting!

Melissa said...

Congrats guys! Aw babies....I sure do love em! Well worth the wait, I promise:)

Tim and Lara said...

Jac your baby is so cute! haha I"m so excited you know this. Now we can continue talking about our strange symptoms and how we have no idea what we're in for :) la you!

us... said...

OMG........IDNK........ENOUGH WITH THE SMALL TALK!!!!! I lOVE that you are ahving a BABY!!!!! OMG....I hope you know that i am kidding when i write omg and stuff! I AM SCREAMING RIGHT NOW...i would call you but it is 11:38 and I will be curtious to the pregnant lady! YOUR POST WAS SO FUNNY as usual...but next time leave off the phrase knocked up, you are a very worthy soul who gets to raise one of Heavenly Fathers children, leave to potty talk to those who get knocked up in the potty stalls:) OMG lets play..... I am STILL SCREAMING WITH JOY I LOVE YOUR BOY GIRL!

melissa marie said...

Congrats. You guys will be great parents!