Saturday, January 3, 2009

christmas day with the dodson clan and a trip to louisiana

christmas eve night jordan and jesse came to spend the night so we moved out mattress out in the family room (we just moved it back into our room about twenty minutes about) and watched elf and then woke up at the crack of dawn to go to my parents for christmas morning

i love when santa puts mascara in the stocking
my grandparents came over that morning to watch us open presents and then eat breakfast. later that night we went to their house for more presents and more food.
santa (my parents) bought bryson a d will jersey. lets just say he was pretty excited about it.
jordan looking adorable.
the day after christmas we flew to louisiana to spend time with my moms side of the family. it was soo good to see everyone we only get to see once a year.

one day we drove out to the town of natchitoches and had a little picnic and strolled the streets of the old town and did some shopping.


we had an awesome christmas and had such a fun time in louisiana and really enjoyed spending so much time with each other and our families. as far as 09 goes so far i have dropped my phone in the toilet, our car has been towed, and our water heater broke so we're hoping the year gets a little better from here on out!


Jessica and Reece said...

Oh the Dodson fam. Remember when I used to live at your house and eat all your food and play with your sister's barbies? Can it be that way again? Also, time for a new post missie.

Sallee Family said...

Jaclyn,hey its Jocelyn Thomas(Sallee). I found your blog through Brynnes'. It is good to see you doing great, do you still live in Utah? Anywayn, just wanted to say hi!

jules said...

Did you know my cousins grew up in natchitoches?

Um it's January 29th. I need you to update your blog. Please? What are you guys doing on Sunday for the SB?

us... said...

i love you and i tried calling your moms to get a hold of you. I am truly sad i missed you. Brigham got rsv while we were there so we were out of commision for like 2 weeks. I left my new number on your moms answering machine:] love ya