Friday, February 20, 2009

24 going on 95

i can't tell if i'm bored or lazy. its a tough call. either way i feel like an old lady. i think part of my problem is i hate running errands. i could have stuff to do but i just don't want to do it. like ive been needing to get some pants hemmed and pick up some shampoo and hair stuff for weeks but even in a state of immense boredom i can't make myself leave the apartment. lazy? probably.

id like to hang out with my friends but and lets be honest i probably wouldn't actually leave the comfort of my sweats and couch if something exciting was really going on. maybe im not lazy or bored.... im just tired. im a working woman! although i feel like a really old mom who's burnt out from a day of chasing children, laundry, cooking, cleaning and whatever else mothers do... when in all actuality all i did was go to work. and work just happens to exhaust me to the point where the first thing i do when i come home is change into sweats.
on wednesday i went to bed at 9:30. and felt okay about it.

is there something wrong with me? maybe im dying. i need an energy boost of sorts. although i feel like i should have a healthy supply of energy since im only in my mid to late twenties. maybe i should go to the gym or something.... that sure does take a lot of effort though.. oh man.

there really is no point to this post. it gave me something to do and and took very little effort. maybe you out there reading this could give me some good ideas on how to not feel like a 95 year old?



jules said...

Hahahahahahahaha. I totally know how you feel. In fact, it's 8:30pm and I am still in my sweatpants that I woke up in. Now that's sad.

Come over next week. You can help us organize the new place. Yay!

Ashley and Mikkel said...

working out definatly helps boost your energy! even though it may seem like you will be so much more tired after. it actually motivates me more to get other stuff done. and hey you can go to the gym in your sweats and it is acceptable.

Lane and Jade said...

Your mid to late 20's? You aren't even mid twenties. Get up and hang out with your friends. Unacceptable. Remember that one time we went to the movie? We should do that more often

Tim and Lara said...

haha! i wish I could help but I'm the same way...I'm old and falling apart. You can come hang out with me in your sweats. I'll wear mine too.. I'm perfectly fine with that. Amen

nicopesci said...

That's kinda funny you just found me... I've been reading your blog for a while now. :)

Jacqs said...

You are so funny!! I was dying laughing at that post!! Being tired is a good sigh, if you know what i mean!!! Lets play i miss you, that does require getting up, but i think we can manage

Jessica and Reece said...

Try feeling that way all the time, with a growing belly, expanding chest and pea-sized bladder. It's fun.

Alyssa Gunter said...
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Britney said...

So I totally forgot that you guys have a blog! I was just stalking away and found your name on Alyssa's list and was oh so happy to click on your link and guess what? I am on your list of blogging buddies! Nothing makes me happier! So now you will be added to mine so that I can stalk you all the time!

My Cleansing Journey said...

Oh I'm sorry,you took that picture of you in your cute little nighty. Bryson is a lucky man

Casee said...

Mid to late twenties? Sure, 24 is late twenties... You want to talk about someone who is old? Oh wait, you have at work, all of you younguns make fun of me in my old, decrepit state. But, you better be nice if you want to be Auntie Jaclyn!