Tuesday, May 24, 2011

three little birds: a shop

well my friends i have officially opened an etsy shop! which you can find here. i have been toying around with the idea for a while now and i finally just decided to bite the bullet and do it! i usually shy away from these types of things because its so far outside my comfort zone to put myself out there open to public rejection and failure! and mockery! but hey life is short right? and oprah says if i do what i love i'll become really rich... or something like that.

the shop (which is almost named three little birds) features handmade cards, picture frames, stationary and other pretty little things. its been so fun starting this little shop and i hope i can keep it going for awhile. i am thinking of doing a giveaway of sorts to those of you who faithlessly follow my blog later this week when i add a few more things. soooo if you're interested follow away and stay tuned! if you're not interested... just pretend you are so i don't feel bad about myself.


Jo said...

Yayyyy! And finally, might I add. Prease do a giveaway so your poor poor tis doesn't have to use the money she doesn't have.

Rebecca said...

These are so cute! How exciting to be starting a shop!
